Monday, January 21, 2019

I am spam.

When I see the content that is popular, I am just ashamed of the world for seeking the most saccharine entertainment rather than actually attempting to exist as anything more than a brain dead idiot lobotomized by feigned wholesomeness, forced enthusiasm, and sociopathic feigned interest in their own well being by the people who entertain  them. Its shameless that people delude themselves into thinking that sort of drivel is anything more than their own weakness, insecurity, loneliness, intellectual shortcoming and emotional frailty being exploited and abused by the people who make main stream content designed to addict people in the same destructive and mind crippling manner as crack cocaine.

I write this because Google+ told me I was spam. I'm sorry I don't devote my life to sociopathically manipulating fragile and weak people that are addicted to the internet so that I might be seen as a "legitimate person. I was an awful drug dealer in my youth, as I always got high on my own supply rather than selling it, and the same holds true for being an e-peddler, in that i'm not out peddling like I should be, and instead actually enjoy my product, which is myself. I


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