Saturday, August 27, 2022

Medium Finally Banning Me, Supposedly


Streets Full of Shit: Why Western Civilization Has The Check Engine Light On

Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

The streets are covered in shit, and for some reason it seems I’m the only one with a shovel. Everyone else is just shitting in the street and screaming at me when I even suggest that the streets should not be overflowing with human shit.

The guns of the secret police are trained upon me at all times as I walk the streets, the inescapable smell of shit choking me to the point of suicidal ideation out of a lack of other viable alternatives to alleviate this suffering. Were I to even place one shovelful of the most insufferable shit into the long-forgotten sewers, I would immediately be shot and killed by the secret police, and were I to escape, I would be hunted to the ends of the Earth.

Every attempt to communicate with people results in them aggressively shitting on the street, throwing their shit at me, and screaming at me when I suggest that a better life can be attained if we resolve the issue of shit in the street. To the people, their shit is sacred. The detritus of their civilization is more sacred than the civilization itself, and the people would readily allow their civilization to collapse if it meant saving their sacred feces.

It is a peculiar kind of hell to exist here, for whatever vices these people deserve to suffer for are hardly the principal cause of their endless suffering. Their suffering is caused almost entirely by their refusal to distinguish between shit, human detritus, and their own species and civilization.

These people have aggressively policed thought and rhetoric to ensure the swift censorship and execution of anyone who dares argue that shit is somehow different than humans, let alone suggest that shit is worse than humans. It is through this extensive policing process, the culling of all opposition, that every voice in the crowd preaches in unison of the immutable sacred nature of human detritus.

My Plight

Perhaps this is a form of OCD, just like how one might see a bookshelf full of non-alphabetized books and become incredibly bothered. When I walk through the streets and every building and human is smeared head-to-toe with awful smelling shit, this makes me very uncomfortable and unhappy. Perhaps it is a mental illness to believe that civilization should not be defined by its greatness rather than the worship of its detritus.

It is living a life like this which has resulted in a catatonic hopelessness. After failing endlessly when attempting to teach humans to purge the detritus from their society, my attempts are weaker every time, because each time I try and fail, hope diminishes.

I feel such extensive and overpowering pity and shame for this species, I feel powerless to help them, and with little faith that these beasts will ever accept the benefit I offer them, I am forced to watch them scream, cry, and shit on themselves as they die from the cavalcade of diseases that fester within feces and the humans which worship this feces.

I hate myself for wasting my time, for being idle rather than productive, for pursuing an empty existence rather than volunteering to shovel the shit from the streets, but when I look upon the shovel, crippling fear sets into my body.

This is not a fear of the consequences of shoveling this shit, this is not a fear of being hunted and killed, for my life upon this planet is no more meaningful than that of a lost lemon. This is a fear of knowing that regardless of how much I attempt to aid this species, that my efforts will amount to nothing. This is a fear that even if, by some miracle, I could redeem the species and clean all of the shit from the streets, that human nature alone would ensure that the beasts readily degrade back into this subhuman state and begin militantly filling the streets with their shit again.

My fear is one of being powerless to prevent the inescapable fate of the human species endlessly waterboarding itself as the levels of human feces in the streets steadily rise to the nostrils of everyman and begin to diarrhea-board him until he dies a slow, painful, and merciless death, all while he will never once consider the fact that it was his worship of his own feces which led him to exist in this state, and instead attempts to find somebody to blame, all while claiming that the feces itself is the greatest victim of all.

The level of human detritus in the streets has already reached pandemic proportions. The children are already being diarrhea-boarded from birth, with many of them suffering extensive psychological damage such as depression, consumerism, hedonism, humanism, idealism, hypochondria, transgenderism, and a disinterest in life, all of which profoundly increase the risk of suicide and reduce the capacity for sexual reproduction.

Modern children are little more than husks, soulless sacks of meat whose psychological workings have been so thoroughly marred by the deluge of human feces which has festered so long in the electric containment chambers of the internet that it has spilled over into the streets, and as if this were an act of terrorism, the feces is readily assaulting and cannibalizing whatever elements of society it can invade and infect with its dysfunction.

This is an Allegory

Clearly, this is an allegory, rather than legitimate human feces, but in all irony, this situation is much worse than it would be if real human feces were to pollute the streets, as this was commonplace before the advent of indoor plumbing and the world was no worse for wear.

So, what is this “allegorical human feces”? It is you. It is everything that the everyman defends, enjoys, and worships which in no way betters him, but instead makes him weak, worthless, dysfunctional, and problematic. The above list of unfortunate -isms is merely scratching the surface, for the nature of the everyman produces this militant intolerance for everything which would hold him accountable or expect him to work in a way which in any way displeases him, and he, like most beasts, is naturally work-shy and seeks to survive by taking the path of least resistance.

This diagnosis of “human detritus” hold true in every category where philosophy determines the beliefs and actions of the everyman, this is true wherever words for the everyman are peddled, and this is true everywhere any sort of action is expected of the everyman, for if every single one of his faults, flaws, and failures is not aggressively coddled if not worshiped, the everyman will throw a tantrum, forcing every shill and propaganda peddler to pollute any functional peasant shepherding rhetoric with such a profound degree of the worship of human detritus that it becomes impossible to shepherd peasants to accomplish anything beyond smearing their own shit on themselves and society as a whole.

Every philosophy which provides a man something for nothing, every argument which defends the rights of worseness in the face of betterness, all of these standpoints which promote the tolerance of marked worseness and allege that such worseness is “unquestionably equal” to that which is empirically unquestionably better, these are the markers of the philosophy of suicide which has so readily poisoned the everyman due to his own irrational fear of his own potential persecution for his own worseness should any persecution of worseness exist.

“There aren’t people who are worse than other people”,

If you want to say “There aren’t people who are worse than other people”, you are the problem. You’re one of the many people who are worse than other people, and it is the outcry of your people which has broken the everyman to such a state where he lies dying in the street, covered in his own feces, riddled with countless diseases of the mind, body, and soul which can solely be spread through the fecal-oral route that becomes dominant in society once the ne’er-do-wells begin to preach that “feces is equal to food”, at which point, the everyman, born and bred to be compliant, begins to eat his own feces until he dies.

There are two groups of people, the “tolerated” and the “tolerant”, and if you are part of a group of people that must be “tolerated”, then clearly you originally faced persecution due to inferiority or a naturally problematic, conflictory, or detrimental nature. If you were a boon to society, then clearly nobody would have persecuted you in the first place, but instead, now you demand to be “tolerated”.

This is not some slight directed at colored people, homosexuals, or transgender people. White people had been killing each other due to alleged worseness for thousands of years before the advent of these tolerated groups in the West. Even the philosophies of Nazis and religious fundamentalists are nowhere near intolerant enough because these groups extensively tolerate worseness within their own parties, and this is exactly why the dregs of society are so often attracted to these groups. These people simply want the feeling of unconditional protection and a sense of immutable, albeit baseless, self-respect despite being so thoroughly and palpably flawed to the point where the general public openly despises them, either subtly or overtly, much like every other tolerated group in the West.

There are no groups of people which are not “tolerated” groups in the West because there are no groups of people which are free enough from flaws to the point where they can be seen as self-legitimizing independent of the protections of the original tolerators such as human rights and ethics. Even the most successful and intelligent among us are flawed to the point of condemnation due to their cowardice and unwillingness to antagonize worseness, which is morally cardinal sloth, a sin no less grievous than rape or murder.

Legal protections, as “noble” as they might seem, protect worseness 99% of the time, and when you spend 500 years protecting the rights of worse individuals to deoptimize society, you end up with a result as described in this story. You end up with a civilization where shit, the detritus of the human species, floods the streets and there are no longer any legitimate humans alive that will ever clean it up. You end up in a world where the children are diarrhea-boarded by such low-quality humans that the children lose their will to live and reproduce.

Humans do everything they can to draw fallacious distinctions between themselves and the systems they depend upon. Humans will scream if you remind them that humans are mammals, animals, no different than other farm animals and equally as much bound by the same economic and biological principles that bind farm animals.

In the same right, humans will scream if you remind them that civilization is itself a business and is defined by the same economic principles that define a business. In this case, one of the endless business principles that succinctly explains my point is the concept of “tolerance”.

Tolerance at the Human Factory

In the factory, parts are manufactured. Let’s say this factory is manufacturing pistons for engines. There is a tolerance threshold that defines the manufacturing process which explains the amount of error that can exist within the manufactured pistons. This threshold is incredibly small, because even the slightest amount of defect ensures that the pistons don’t function properly when placed in the engine.

In this story, the tolerated people go march upon the piston factory and they say “Increase the tolerance threshold for pistons!”, then they start throwing Molotov cocktails, breaking things, and robbing the cowardly factory workers who give into the demands of the protestors and increase the tolerance threshold for the manufactured pistons.

The factory, now being more tolerant, starts to produce pistons with a wider range of diameters. They keep making pistons, but since the tolerance for error, or “inclusion of diverse pistons”, within piston manufacturing has increased, now a profound amount of these pistons cease to function. Many become so big they cannot even fit inside of the engine, many are so small that when attempted to be used for fuel combustion, the heat escapes around the sides of the piston and no longer force the piston down with enough force to turn the crankshaft.

According to the humanists, according to the ethicists, this catastrophic result is seen as “improvement” because “more pistons are included” and “pistons are given equal rights”, when logically, at this point, the dysfunctional pistons cease to even exist as pistons due to failing to produce the defining result of a piston which is the turning of a crankshaft within an internal combustion engine. These pistons are empirically nothing but waste, garbage, dysfunction, and failure, but according to the metastasizing cancers of philosophy which infest our species, these “pistons” are “just as good as all the other pistons, and it is the fault of the internal combustion engine if the piston is not adequately producing the torque necessary to turn the crankshaft.”

Does it seem like civilization is currently running with the “Check Engine” light on? Because it is. Because this is exactly what happens when you champion tolerance. Civilization is a labor engine, and the terrorist-level antagonization of empiricism by philosophy has produced this incredibly dysfunctional system which is readily leading the species unto its farcical suicide in the name of “tolerance”.

The “Ox-Bothering Test” of Philosophy

This is the problem that I suffer from every day. I watch the human factories pump out these dysfunctionally flawed piston-men, and I watch the engine of society burn itself away as it steadily reaches the point of complete collapse.

I see all of this dysfunction as the product of the psychological detritus of the human species being allowed to exist and pollute the streets and the everyman who is so readily swayed by the savage smells of logical feces that coax his bestial mind into a state of blissfully ignorant and childlike indignation.

The philosophers test their arguments on the minds of oxen, alleging that should the ox be swayed by the philosopher’s rhetoric, then the argument is valid, when in reality the ox has such limited mental capacity that the only empirical truth that can be measured when an ox such as the everyman is exposed to rhetoric is how potent said rhetoric is for agitating the beast and stoking him into a state of unrest.

The same “ox-bothering” status which is used to defend the concepts such as ethicism and humanism are the identical concepts championed by rhetoricians such as Donald Trump. Clearly his rhetoric has a profound ability to rally the everyman, but clearly this does not mean his arguments are in any way empirically legitimate.

The humanists and ethicists of the Enlightenment are no different than Trump in that they produced their “legitimacy” and ultimately their tyranny through the “ox-bothering” test, in that their rhetoric was enough to upset the everyman to the point where he rioted and caused lots of problems.

The rhetoric of these philosophers was no different than Trump, but the West worships the Enlightenment era philosophers for the same reason that the Trump-supporters worship Trump. When the everyman hears his shit-preacher saying “You’re special, you’re important, and you deserve better!”, the bestial everyman starts to holler and stampede because he’s a farm animal with a childlike intellect that is readily convinced that the words of “important guy who talks good” are true simply because the guy is “important and talks good”.

When the literate degenerate philosophers of the Enlightenment made the same Trumpian arguments to rally the people, the results were equally as palpable, and the resulting governments of labor farms being operated by the beasts of burden themselves has resulted in such a state of such terminal dysfunction that the crumbling foundation of the true civilization which preceded the “Enlightened” West can no longer support the extensive shanty-town skyscraper of deoptimization and dysfunction that has been produced by increasing the tolerance for this sort of fallacious pure-rhetoric bullshit like humanism, ethicism, and today, Trumpism.

“Your account is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules”

At least cite exactly what is breaking the rules. Remove it. I don’t care. This article alone is evidence enough of my indifference. I’ll just go shitpost somewhere else. It’s not like anyone reads this shit.

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