Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Thanks for giving me the time of day.

(My responses to a bunch of reddit comments. Most of these got deleted because I called somebody a “cunt” or some other harmless jokingly mean words. That site wants people to be spineless degenerate children, it’s fucking shameless, be an adult. Hopefully I archived most of them before they got deleted.)

This is the thread.

If philosophy was valid or invalid, then it would be a science. If it could be validated, then it wouldn't be up for debate. It can be agreed upon, and the consensus can be enforced by people as if it were a fact, but this consensus does not indicate validity. People could enforce any irrational consensus as if it were a fact without having any legitimate reason for doing so. 

What is the right thing to do? Does this make sense? This is still entirely scientific, we may not have the data or knowledge to make the scientifically optimum decision, but just as there is the right trajectory for an intercontinental ballistic missile to strike its target, there is a scientifically defined right thing to do. The thing that is optimized and produces the best results.

Of course this depends entirely on what results oneself is trying to produce, but regardless of what they are, the right thing is the optimum thing, and the optimum thing is defined by the results, including any and all energy that was expended to reach that point, as this is a result of a loss of energy.

People lack the data to make these decisions scientifically so they rely on non-scientific philosophical arguments, but this is an entirely archaic methodology when we have thoroughly mastered the applications of science, as the scientific method could readily deduce legitimate, scientific answers to these questions if things were tested. Granted this is an insurmountable amount of data to manipulate, many things can be deduced through the same common sense that will remind a person any rock thrown into the air will fall back to earth, a pack horse with a light cart will pull that cart faster than the pack horse with the far heavier cart.

"Does it make sense?" doesn't matter in the slightest, it is only whether or not something is correct. It doesn't matter if the function of a computer "makes sense to you" your opinion and understanding of the concept is entirely irrelevant from the thing in questioning functioning.

In terms of "making sense" meaning being agreeable, usually in regards to moral, personal, or emotional objectionability, these things are also irrelevant because they don't change reality unless humans, through their own volition, act upon their perception of these things and enforce that which would otherwise naturally be unenforced. This is reasonable when science would defend this process as optimization, but just because people are acting in the name of what they percieve to be moralistic optimization does not mean that they are actually doing this in the slightest.

E.g. prisoners who can't work, disabled people who can't work logically are better off dead to save the economy money and thus be more successful, but once moral and philosophical convolution come into play, the scientific argument is invalidated by baseless delusional beliefs that profoundly influence the decision making of a human

The only relevant things are the input and output, as we cannot create an output we lack the necessary input for. When you look at science, science operates completely independently from any moral, emotional, or philosophical influence, so to convolute existence, our planet, animal life, human life, and anything else with concepts that are entirely imaginary and measurably irrelevant from the function of these things is nonsensical. The only influence these things have upon human life comes from the extent to which they present themselves as communal sentiments, which are not naturally scientifically relevant, but are only made scientifically relevant due to the fact that they artificially define the actions, behaviors, and thus reality of the human race.

A simple example of this is this. "You are a prisoner in a room. You are fed three meals a day, but you cannot eat without inserting a butt-plug in your ass and putting on a clown wig and a clown nose. This is not because it is physically impossible, but this is because your cell-made Johnny is guaranteed to kill you if you don't do this. The second you start to eat without doing these things, he beats you to death. Logically, you need to put that butt-plug in your ass and dress like a clown in order to survive, it is a necessity of life and clearly common sense, but in reality this is not true. This is only true because Johnny causes it to be true through his own volition, his own human, conscious enforcement of a standard that is not reflected in natural reality."

This is the significance of philosophy, morality, and anything of that ethereal nature. These things are "Johnny", they are only relevant if Johnny makes them relevant, and in the case of the human race, Johnny is very relevant, and this often causes people to act in manners that are contrary to pursuing and making more so scientifically, and thus naturally optimized decisions.

As for "why am I here?" that is also irrelevant. You can look at a math problem such as 2+2 = 4, and ask "why?" but "why?" is completely irrelevant to the problem at hand. It changes nothing about the problem, it is a delusional convolution that presumes something exists and is relevant, when clearly as defined by the problem, any sort of "why?" is not applicable to the situation as it changes nothing about the situation at hand.The entire world, the entire universe is nothing but math equations, so to try and argue that the question "why is this so?" is somehow a relevant question is to turn the question directly onto "Why is two plus two four?" because that's the way it is, that's how counting works, and that should be plain as day.

The question, "Why is two plus two four?" is relevant because this is the question at hand, and this why is easily answered "Four is 1111, two is 11, 11 + 11 = 1111, it is simple counting. That is why.
 The "Whys?" that are relevant are actually answerable "Why did this man beat his wife to death?" is relevant because we know for a fact that there is an answer to this question, there is a reason as to why this happened, and this is a relevant question because if this can be answered and addressed, it may be able to prevent people from being beaten to death. Knowing "why" reality exists doesn't and won't change anything about reality, so it is not relevant to reality.

These are my conclusions. The world is not an opinion, the world is scientific, nothing is up for debate. Only the conclusions we draw as we try to understand the raw, measurable, unconscious and physical reality in which we live is up for debate, but in the end this is not debate because we have transcended beyond debate. It is subject to scrutinous scientific trials that actually and measurably prove with reproducible results whether or not something is right scientifically, rather than logically.
Logically, the sun moves around the sky, the sun is moving and we are standing still, this makes sense, but science proves this logical standpoint to be false. Logic is not what determines right or wrong, logic is an attempt to make sense of things, but often, due to a lack of appropriate data and information, logic causes people to come to conclusions that are false.

The way I understand it. Non-scientific logic is not a reasonable way to come to conclusions. The human race understands that the world is entirely scientific, and treating human life, thoughts, and existence as if they are somehow different from the rest of the world, from the rest of the universe, is nonsensical when clearly the entire universe consistently and invariably functions in an explicitly scientific manner.
(Thanks for talking to me. =) I just like to ramble.)

Philosophy is a joke. Do you realize the place, the status of philosophy in society? It's used for pomp and putting on airs, that's about it. There is little practical value of philosophy, because by my logic if there was any, philosophers would be paid good deals of money to "philosophize" about shit.
Why do I care about what opinions some pretentious cunt feels like shitting out of their mouth? I do the same shit all day. I get plenty of philosophy and I get to stroke my own ego rather than feel like some sort of subservient peasant because I'm not sitting here cooing over some pretentious piece of shit who thinks they know better than I do. Thankfully i'm not so spineless as to respect other people who don't fucking demand it. If it desrved to be respected, the world would demand that you respect it.

I know the world demands some philosophers to be respected such as the ones that influenced the constitution, and I begrudgingly do respect these people. This is not because of any legitimacy of their arguments, but the legitimacy of their standing armies that are truly the functional and measurable metric of the legitimacy of a philosophy.

Morality doesn't exist. It is a delusion, it is the cancerous progeny of empathy and emotion, literally instinctive formication meant to induce actions and behaviors that were beneficial to social order. Scientifically, morality is the optimization of a social system to maximize the success of a species. Using any sort of empathetic or sympathetic metric to justify morality is using this vestigial instinct for a task it is not designed to do. It is only designed to function in small group settings, it cannot be applied to anything beyond a very small village at most.

These are ideals. This is not a metric of optimization. The metric of optimization I tend to rely on is economic success, as money is nearly identical to raw potential energy in a human society that values it.

Do you want all Jews gone? This depends on the degrees to which Jews influence the economy. By my rough sense of things, without any sort of conspiracy, Jews seem to benefit the economy, so killing them does not optimize the economy.

Do you want perfect wealth equality or meritocracy? No. Why pay for what you can get for free? Why give people rights when you don't need to? I argue in favor of enslaving people and using a varying arrays of physical, emotional, and chemical conditioning to encourage them to work and discourage them from idleness. This is the most bang for your buck so to speak, and even if they're a bit less innovative, there's still a profoundly higher degree of productivity and a much lower overhead for maintaining a human society.

Reagardless of any moral arguments, I defend the concept of CREAM, cash rules everything around me. Seeing how this is true, optimizing and maximizing cash is the only valid metric that should be optimized. Nobody ever said "Morality rules everything around me" or "Emotions rule everything around me" because they don't. That's sentimental bullshit, and real, functional, logical people don't concern themselves with that bullshit.

1st of all, I'm not some cunt who would read a book, let alone even consider the thought that what somebody else thinks is anymore legitimate than mentally retarded bastard child born out of incest
To your second point. "philosophy is a largely linguistic pursuit that the animals learned how to do" This describes fiction, fucking anything, shitting on a piece of paper and finger-painting with it to express your feelings. Just because people do something doesn't mean it is somehow firmly rooted in the god damn scientific method.

As for Newton, you lost me. The whole "making sense of things" seems to be a practical approach, this is not any sort of philosophical quandary unless a bird making a nest is somehow doing so due to some philosophical initiative. It just does these things it naturally does to survive. A humans exploit their environment in any way possible in order to compete for dominance, and similar to how a bird exploits the world around it to make a nest.

The argument "things happen for a reason" seems to make sense, if I throw a rock, it goes forward. That's just how things work. From the fact that these things tend to happen for a reason, you can extend that point to everything, but that is a deduction only an adventurous person would make. Things falling to the ground seems like breathing to most people, the sound of footsteps, completely insiginificant and most of the time you don't tend to hear your own breath.

1) I'm trying to understand your question. I'm just saying philosophy is convolution the behavior of animals. It presumes people to act in ways that are somehow different than animal instincts that are convoluted by the delirium that is intelligence. It's overthinking the behavior of an animal. When a an animal does something, is this a philosophical quandary? I don't know

2) No. I'm a vagabond. I just wander around looking for places to shitpost, places to argue. Throw virtual rocks at people and try to get some kind of reaction, enjoy a shouting match. I didn't read a damn thing on this sub. I've never read a philosophy book in my life.

I just presumed "philosophy" as just some crock of shit where you think about meaning, morality, and that sort baseless existential nonsense that is validated by literally nothing in the universe save for the human psyche. If morality is ever valid, it is valid because it is the amoral optimization of a system, not because anything is "good or bad, moral or immoral" in reality.

I just like to rant about god knows what. Thank you for mentioning Socrates. I respect this man, shit on a plate and then people eat it for thousands of fucking years. This is the only one unless there were some iconoclasts who tried to do the same. Don't listen to anybody, assert yourself over everybody. Nobody knows what their talking about, so assert the fact that you do and watch them buckle due to their lack of ego and self confidence. If they have an opinion, they're wrong, because this is not your opinion, if you agree with them you're just forfeiting. You're letting them with the god damn prize, and you're just admitting to be a worthless god forsaken loser who can't win a god damn shouting match.

Of course people are fucking invulnerable on the internet, but if I was shameless enough to partake in some philosophical argument, I could shout louder, and be more verbally aggressive if not abusive until people realized that they're wrong because I'm louder than they are. If they want to gang up on me, so be it. Fuck it, only proves they've got shit for brains for having faith that there is any form of quantifiable legitimacy in the god damn delirium known as human consciousness. If there is, it is a complete coincidence.

(I wrote this in about ten minutes, I shout-type fast. Forgive the hurried colloquial pace and whatever mistakes I may have made.)

It is energy in that it compels people to do things. It can be exchanged for energy, this is called paying people to do work. This can even be extended to paying for raw materials as matter is all stored energy, not that a steel beam is having it's atomic energy utilized like an atom bomb, but the atomic energy of the steel being steel, providing support to a building or doing other things like that.
This doesn't seem to be philosophical. It is clear cut and raw, it's not lofty at all. It's not some kind of baseless opinion.

Also. The sun isn't around us. The sun is very fucking far away, like millions of miles through dead empty space. Everything around me is everything on the planet, everything on the planet is explicitly and graphically dominated by the influence of human beings. I mean energy in the explicit scientific sense.

Creativity? The fuck is that, worthless. If it doesn't produce leigitmate, functional and mechanical value, then it is garbage. If art or music cause people to work harder, be more intelligent, than sure. It is quantified in the degree that "people exposed to art produce at 120% X rate" and "people not exposed to art produce at 100% X rate" , the quantification of the value of that art is 20% increase on the rate of labor.

If it's making money it is ingenuity. Can you quantify this? Yes, the amount of money it makes, or saves, effectively making money by saving it.

Potential meaning potential energy, sure. Money is potential energy that can be converted into plenty of things, somebody chopping woods or fabricating metal, damn near anything.

Dynamism? This is beyond me, but the dictionary says something like inducing vigorous activity. Yes, money compels people. There are cheaper ways to compel people, but money is potential energy that people need such as food and water, it is twice potential energy for lack of a better term in that it provides things that reduce energy expenditure such as clothing, shelter, etc.

I'm going to bed. I'll try to get back to you if you respond. I'm halfway busy tomorrow. (Sorry if this is getting disjointed, it's late.)

Ok. Look at it like this. You have 100 people 99 of these people make $100 each. 1 of these people costs $9,999 to keep alive. To keep this person alive, you would need to spend 99.99% of all money that is made just to do so. You would rather keep this person alive, be paid 1 cent instead of $100? No, that's nonsense. This is why ethics is a crock of shit.

You are kept alive so long as your life is a valid investment. You are kept alive so long as you produce more value than you extract from society, and this is called a net yield. When your net yield drops below $0, you are killed. As for children, if their projected net yield to society is below $0, they are killed. This is how you run a business, and an economy, a government, and a society are bound by exactly the same rules that determine the success or faliure of a business. Convolute these things with "ethics and morality" all you like, but that isn't going to change the way economics works.

Ethics and morality are a luxury where as being economically successful is a necessity. You can't have those luxuries without first having that necessity met, and beyond that, I frown upon luxuries simply for being pointless. That's not a valid investment of money any day of the week. Invest in something that yields a profit, if you are not doing this, you are making a poor investment.
Logically, understand that you are presented with two stocks. Your income, what you substantiate your life from, your food, water, clothing, and shelter all come from these investments. You can invest in brain-dead quadripleics, choosing to spend money on keeping them alive, or you can invest in a successful company that makes and sells every form of energy.

 The stock in brain-dead people yields $0 dividends annually as those people make no money, and you starve to death because nobody will help you, and the energy stock gives you enough money to meet your necessities. 

This is the decision. It has nothing to do with "jewishness". If you were killed, it would have nothing to do with being "jewish". That's like looking at a situaiton where a child drowns in a lake because it cannot swim, then arguing "this child drowned because he was Jewish? Is this lake antisemitic?" That's hilarious but also stupid as shit.
~ ~ ~

Logic is math. Real logic, mathematical logic, productive, functional logic. Are you saying that a god damn logic gate in a computer is the product of philosophy? This the logic I am talking about.
If a hard science has a use for something philosophy was able to deduce, the legitimate, productive, physical science gains custody of that product. 

This is like saying "A philosopher once said that the sun emits light", then claiming "The science and physics of stellar bodies is rooted in philosophy". Philosophy tends to put their name on things like common sense, throwing shit at the wall, and when it happens to hit a certain point of a hard science by complete coincidence, suddenly Philosophy gets credit for something.

I understand that sure, philosophical logic exists, but to argue that logic is philosophical is nonsense because logic has existed since the dawn of the universe. Philosophers attempted to formalize logic, and this worked to some extent, but mathematicians were able to formalize logic in a more so functional manner that can actually be applied in society in something like a logic gate in a computer.
I'm just being a bigot here, but I'll argue that this is like cavemen pushing a car, compared to somebody who actually knows how to drive and mechanically assemble and repair a car. Sure, the car goes forward in both examples, but the car is a far more efficient mode of transportation in the latter example.

 I would concede that philosophical logic was profoundly influential in the creation of mathematical logic, but mathematical logic succeeded in the same respects that chemistry and physics succeeded, mathematical logic succeeds in the computer and programming. This is where philosophical logic has largely failed entirely to be put to use in any sort of reliable and practical endeavor because it depends so entirely on the impeccable function of the human mind.

~ ~
Ok. A man pushes a god damn box. This is him unleashing the stored potential energy in his body in the form of work upon that box. You compel him to do this work with the money. Thus by this string of exchanges the money itself equates to work, which is a form of harnessed energy.
Motivation is the instinct not to die. You are motivated to work because you don't want to die and you don't want to suffer. Even the "words of love" bullshit is still somebody trying not to suffer, they couldn't suffer with the guilt of letting their loved one die or whatever.

There are countless ways to motivate somebody, and motivation is just the desire to alleviate discomfort. Here is how to motivate people: you make them very uncomfortable, then you offer to make them less uncomfortable when they do what you ask them to do. They are then "motivated" to do what you want them to do. Find anything that motivates somebody that isn't this.
People who want fame or fortune are discomforted by the fact that they don't want them. People who want their loved one to be happy would be discomforted by the fact that their loved one is unhappy. This is what motivation is, and there is no reason to convolute it with specifications. A rectangle is a shape just as much as a triangle and a circle, and motivation here is just a shape.

It is far more consistent and reliable to motivate people with the temptation of the alleviation of their physical discomfort than it is to motivate them with "love". Many people don't understand love, but all people understand physical torture, and all people would be motivated to reduce or alleviate their own torture if at all possible. This is even true for animals, this is why horses run when you kick them, this is why oxen pull plows when you whip them. These animals are not compelled by the thoughts about their "loved ones", they are compelled by physical torture. 

I don't even support paying people money. I support keeping them alive as beasts of burden, simultaneously optimizing their economic cost of upkeep and their performance, but that's about as far as that goes. 

There is a point, because people lack fucking critical literacy or I'm just a god awful writer. So either way we're getting practice. 

If I'm a "cynic"  then I'm just as much as valid a philosopher as any of you asshats, so take your own pretentious creed of philosophy and airs and stick them up your ass. Looking down upon me despite clearly being just as much of a "philosopher" because I am a "cynic". 

If I wasn't serious, I wouldn't spend all this time writing these things, would I? I don't want to aggravate people, i want to enlighten them. Trying to argue against things like hard capital, money, animal conditioning, and potential energy with an argument about the "motivating quality of love" seems laughably childish if not entirely asinine. If your people are being motivated by love, there is something wrong with that society; that is hardly a surefire method for motivating people to the greatest extent possible. You're not getting your bang for your buck that you invest in keeping those people alive if you do that.

~ ~
How can you defend empathy when you would pay $10,000 to save the life of your own child, rather than let that child die and save the lives of 500 African children. That is the degree to which empathy makes irrational decisions. The life of your own child is worth more than the lives of 500 African children, whose parents care about them just as much as you do your own child. This is the problematic nature of the limited scope of empathy.

Does your opinion matter here? Regardless of how pathetic you may argue that my stance is, it doesn't matter in the slightest if God in heaven agrees with you 100%. These sociopathic people who exploit others for their own personal gain literally rule the fucking world, they own 99% of the fucking world. You're going to spit upon these people because you're such a god damn idealist that you refuse to acknowledge reality?

That's irrational, that's completely delusional. If "real, functional, logic" does not define what is successful and thus powerful, than those metrics, whatever they may be, are entirely irrelevant. If these metrics do not produce competitive yields, they are less relevant than any metric that produces a higher yield, and one of these metrics is clearly the sociopathic abuse of humans for the sake of financial gain.

~~ ~

Monday, March 25, 2019

If philosophy was valid or invalid, then it would be a science.

Thanks for giving me the time of day.

If philosophy was valid or invalid, then it would be a science. If it could be validated, then it wouldn't be up for debate. It can be agreed upon, and the consensus can be enforced by people as if it were a fact, but this consensus does not indicate validity. People could enforce any irrational consensus as if it were a fact without having any legitimate reason for doing so.

What is the right thing to do? Does this make sense? This is still entirely scientific, we may not have the data or knowledge to make the scientifically optimum decision, but just as there is the right trajectory for an intercontinental ballistic missile to strike its target, there is a scientifically defined right thing to do. The thing that is optimized and produces the best results.

Of course this depends entirely on what results oneself is trying to produce, but regardless of what they are, the right thing is the optimum thing, and the optimum thing is defined by the results, including any and all energy that was expended to reach that point, as this is a result of a loss of energy.

People lack the data to make these decisions scientifically so they rely on non-scientific philosophical arguments, but this is an entirely archaic methodology when we have thoroughly mastered the applications of science, as the scientific method could readily deduce legitimate, scientific answers to these questions if things were tested. Granted this is an insurmountable amount of data to manipulate, many things can be deduced through the same common sense that will remind a person any rock thrown into the air will fall back to earth, a pack horse with a light cart will pull that cart faster than the pack horse with the far heavier cart.

"Does it make sense?" doesn't matter in the slightest, it is only whether or not something is correct. It doesn't matter if the function of a computer "makes sense to you" your opinion and understanding of the concept is entirely irrelevant from the thing in questioning functioning.

In terms of "making sense" meaning being agreeable, usually in regards to moral, personal, or emotional objectionability, these things are also irrelevant because they don't change reality unless humans, through their own volition, act upon their perception of these things and enforce that which would otherwise naturally be unenforced. This is reasonable when science would defend this process as optimization, but just because people are acting in the name of what they percieve to be moralistic optimization does not mean that they are actually doing this in the slightest.

E.g. prisoners who can't work, disabled people who can't work logically are better off dead to save the economy money and thus be more successful, but once moral and philosophical convolution come into play, the scientific argument is invalidated by baseless delusional beliefs that profoundly influence the decision making of a human

The only relevant things are the input and output, as we cannot create an output we lack the necessary input for. When you look at science, science operates completely independently from any moral, emotional, or philosophical influence, so to convolute existence, our planet, animal life, human life, and anything else with concepts that are entirely imaginary and measurably irrelevant from the function of these things is nonsensical. The only influence these things have upon human life comes from the extent to which they present themselves as communal sentiments, which are not naturally scientifically relevant, but are only made scientifically relevant due to the fact that they artificially define the actions, behaviors, and thus reality of the human race.

A simple example of this is this. "You are a prisoner in a room. You are fed three meals a day, but you cannot eat without inserting a butt-plug in your ass and putting on a clown wig and a clown nose. This is not because it is physically impossible, but this is because your cell-made Johnny is guaranteed to kill you if you don't do this. The second you start to eat without doing these things, he beats you to death. Logically, you need to put that butt-plug in your ass and dress like a clown in order to survive, it is a necessity of life and clearly common sense, but in reality this is not true. This is only true because Johnny causes it to be true through his own volition, his own human, conscious enforcement of a standard that is not reflected in natural reality."

This is the significance of philosophy, morality, and anything of that ethereal nature. These things are "Johnny", they are only relevant if Johnny makes them relevant, and in the case of the human race, Johnny is very relevant, and this often causes people to act in manners that are contrary to pursuing and making more so scientifically, and thus naturally optimized decisions.

As for "why am I here?" that is also irrelevant. You can look at a math problem such as 2+2 = 4, and ask "why?" but "why?" is completely irrelevant to the problem at hand. It changes nothing about the problem, it is a delusional convolution that presumes something exists and is relevant, when clearly as defined by the problem, any sort of "why?" is not applicable to the situation as it changes nothing about the situation at hand.The entire world, the entire universe is nothing but math equations, so to try and argue that the question "why is this so?" is somehow a relevant question is to turn the question directly onto "Why is two plus two four?" because that's the way it is, that's how counting works, and that should be plain as day.

The question, "Why is two plus two four?" is relevant because this is the question at hand, and this why is easily answered "Four is 1111, two is 11, 11 + 11 = 1111, it is simple counting. That is why.

 The "Whys?" that are relevant are actually answerable "Why did this man beat his wife to death?" is relevant because we know for a fact that there is an answer to this question, there is a reason as to why this happened, and this is a relevant question because if this can be answered and addressed, it may be able to prevent people from being beaten to death. Knowing "why" reality exists doesn't and won't change anything about reality, so it is not relevant to reality.

These are my conclusions. The world is not an opinion, the world is scientific, nothing is up for debate. Only the conclusions we draw as we try to understand the raw, measurable, unconscious and physical reality in which we live is up for debate, but in the end this is not debate because we have transcended beyond debate. It is subject to scrutinous scientific trials that actually and measurably prove with reproducible results whether or not something is right scientifically, rather than logically.

Logically, the sun moves around the sky, the sun is moving and we are standing still, this makes sense, but science proves this logical standpoint to be false. Logic is not what determines right or wrong, logic is an attempt to make sense of things, but often, due to a lack of appropriate data and information, logic causes people to come to conclusions that are false.

The way I understand it. Non-scientific logic is not a reasonable way to come to conclusions. The human race understands that the world is entirely scientific, and treating human life, thoughts, and existence as if they are somehow different from the rest of the world, from the rest of the universe, is nonsensical when clearly the entire universe consistently and invariably functions in an explicitly scientific manner.

(Thanks for talking to me. =) I just like to ramble.)

Metric philosophy and how this Applies to Measuring, Analyzing, and Comparing Suffering

Quantifying suffering is necessary to understand suffering and react appropriately to people suffering. There are likely many ways to quantify units of suffering, the way I am proposing is done a by reflecting upon the standard distribution. 

If a person suffers a trauma, this will likely be reflected in their life. A control group, one without trauma, would set the standard for performance in a task. The degree to which the abused group deviates from the performance of the normal group would quantify the degree or severity of abuse. It can be difficult to measure some elements of life such as happiness or pain, but many statistical metrics already exist to quantify these things, and there have been many studies about how people who survive abuse or trauma perform in regards to economics or other easily quantified metrics when compared to untraumatized and unabused people.

E.g. An example using domestic violence: If on average people earn X, the per capita GDP, the mean, and on average the annual earnings of people who are victims of domestic violence are 1.5 standard deviations from the mean, this would suggest that unspecified domestic violence has a traumatic caliber of 1.5 in regards to earning income. This measurement of deviation can be taken across a number of statistics, and the deviations within each of these statistics can be averaged to form a more general traumatic impact induced by domestic violence. The more statistics measured the better, as many can be measured in regards to economic success, reported happiness, criminality, hospitalization, health, social statistics, romantic statistics, athletic statistics, anything. Though self-reported measurements are not ideal when compared to impartial measurements, anything can function so long as it is standardized. This would measure a broad range of categories to analyze the degree to which experiencing domestic violence negatively influences the lives of these people.

On a lighter note, this can also be done in regards to how people may benefit from something, e.g. number of books in the home as a child in relation to average income as an adult, producing a benefit caliber if this creates a positive influence on the person.

 The degree to which, when tested, these people deviate from the standard distribution, the number of deviations is the general magnitude of abuse. This is a very general standard, and it can be further refined by quantifying the degree of trauma the person has experienced. An example of measuring the severity of abuse could be a civilian who has been within 100 yards from a standard grenade explosion, 75 yards, 50 years, 25 yards, 20 yards, 15 yards, 10 yards, 5 yards, and so on.
The longevity of the trauma can also be established by repeating the quantification tests over a period of time to analyze the rate at which people do or do not recover from trauma. A person who has been punched in the face within an hour will likely perform more poorly on a wide range tests than they would if they had been punched in the face a day ago, a week ago, or a month ago. This would demonstrate the degree to which trauma persists within the person.

The constancy of suffering would also be measured. E.g. does something cause suffering around the clock, or only in certain times? A fear of public speaking may hinder somebody’s ability to succeed at work, but it is not a relevant cause of stress or discomfort during many parts of that person’s life.
Granted there are often a number of different traumatic influences in a person’s life, so isolating these forces would be difficult. When they cannot be isolated, they would just be analyzed as a combined number of traumas that are inseparable and function as one type of trauma.

To quantify the types of suffering for adequate comparison to one another, they would be weighted as to the amount of influence that the task has on the person’s life. E.g. the ability to work influences nearly every aspect of a person’s life due to their life being substantiated by money, whereas the ability to dance is at most only influential during free time and is an entirely optional activity. This would mean sorting things out into escapable and inescapable suffering, as a person cannot escape the need to work, but a person can escape any need to dance. 

The degree to which a trauma damages a person would be proportional to the rate at which it interferes with their ability to perform a task. The more basic tasks would carry much higher weight than more advanced tasks, for example, the more basic the action is according to a standard such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the more influential and significant the debilitation induced by the trauma is.

 E.g. if a person cannot provide food for themselves, this is substantially far more significant than the person’s ability to find respect and self-esteem. (Why the reproduction is at the list of basic needs is beyond me, reproduction is not a physical necessity of an individual. Easily this is a necessity for the human race, but not for an individual to survive. The needs of the human race are profoundly different from the basic needs of the individual to survive; a person doesn’t die if they fail to have children.)

The point being…

One cannot truly measure pain beyond self-reporting, but the influence of pain on a person can be measured by analyzing their performance on tasks and using self-reporting if necessary. This is the key point, measuring the decrease in quality of life that occurs from trauma, or anything for that matter.

 Without being able to quantify suffering, to quantify the degree to which something hurts another person, people fail to understand the very significant degrees to of suffering, people forget that suffering is a rational and comparable concept. People can suffer more or less than others, but too often people see this only as a light switch, “either the person is suffering or they are not suffering”, which is a completely irrational stance to take given that like all things that exist within the scientific world, suffering is just as rational, measurable, and comparable as something like beakers full of water, some of them are more full and others are less full. They all have water in them, but to end any sort of analysis at that point is completely impractical, especially in a world so defined and advance by scientific analysis.

With scientific metrics that analyze how traumatic something is compare to something else, this would give people adequate perspective. The issue is that without a scientific metric of suffering, people act as if suffering is black and white, they become comparably indignant about “trigger warnings” as they do about domestic violence or sexual abuse. This is an irrational reaction when domestic violence is easily millions of times more damaging to the human psyche than being triggered by a sensitive topic. 

 Seeing how domestic violence and sexual abuse induce millions of times more measurable suffering in the lives of people, logically people should care about these issues as defined by their severity. Though people cannot physically feel millions of times more upset than they have been about trigger warnings, it would give them a rational perspective to understand the degree of trauma that people experience, and the degrees to which these problems present themselves in people’s lives.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

I made a neocities website

I put the entire book on there.
